Violation of a Specific Safety Requirement
Oftentimes we encounter claimants who are understandably frustrated with their employer whom they perceive as being responsible for their work injury in some way, shape, or form. While it can be exceedingly difficult to sue your employer for an act of negligence in the state of Ohio, there exists a remedy at law through the Ohio Administrative Code by which a claimant can file an application for a violation of a specific safety requirement (VSSR).
Provided the circumstances of your injuries mirror one of the predetermined codes sections detailed in the VSSR bulletin, you may be entitled to payment from your employer directly upon effective demonstration of a violation. The value of this application is determined by the amount, and variety, of compensation paid over the life of a claim.
Frequent circumstances under which VSSR claims have been filed and granted include:
Individuals working in the construction industry, or factory setting, who suffer an injury that could have been prevented/mitigated by use of protective equipment that was not provided.
Claimants who suffer an injury while operating heavy machinery, or industrial tools/processes. Particularly if that machinery has been altered in some way for purposes of expediting the work process.
Injuries suffered by the mis-operation of a vehicle in the factory or construction setting.
A fall that occurs in the workshop/factory setting, or while on a construction site, should certainly be analyzed to determine if there is potential VSSR liability.
Any injury which elicits an OSHA investigation should be analyzed to determine if there exists potential VSSR liability.
If you have questions regarding your industrial injury, or a potential VSSR application, please reach out to our firm for a free consultation.