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Medical Evidence You Must Provide to Win A Social Security Disability Claim

Knisley Law Group

Updated: Dec 2, 2024

Denied Social Security Claims

Everyone knows the legal system can be complicated.  Whether you are dealing with an issue big or small, any legal component can take a long time and require a lot of effort.  Usually, the complicated legal system can be beneficial because it ensures the fair results that we want and deserve.  However, there are certain situations when the burden of evidence and the ins and outs of the legal system come at a bad time.

One such example is providing medical evidence to win a Social Security claim when you are injured or have a pre-existing condition. At this trying and stressful time in life, the last thing anyone wants to do is deal with lawyers and courtrooms. However, medical evidence is a necessary burden.  Here, at Knisley Law Offices, we want to give you the best possible chance at winning your Social Security Disability claim by providing the right Social Security Disability Claim medical evidence.

Providing Evidence: The right kind of evidence for you

“Medical evidence” is a broad term for factual evidence regarding your particular injury or disability.  In layman’s terms, it is a very complicated doctor’s note.  Essentially, the people treating you for your condition testify that you really do suffer from a condition and that it does impact your life in various ways.  The best kind of medical evidence comes from the doctors, hospitals or clinics treating you directly because they best understand your needs and your care.

There is a scale of the evidence that can be provided and how impactful it can be to your case.  The best example, as above, is straight from the horse’s mouth with your doctor or clinic proving that you have the disability or condition in question. Your medical professionals are required to provide evidence such as:

  • Lab tests

  • Imaging tests

  • Visit results

  • Treatment records

Lower down on the priority lists are the non-licensed professionals that can attest to you or your child’s conditions. These non-licenses professionals include school administrators, teachers, etc. While these testimonies will not carry as much weight, they are still vital to your case.

Best Practices with Your Medical Evidence

Unfortunately, certain cases of Medical Disability claims are not cut and dry. There can be disagreements between you and a medical professional or even between two credible sources about whether or not some condition exists and whether or not it affects a person in the way claimed. In these cases, it is important to work with a Medical Disability lawyer who can help you present your evidence in a way that works best for you.

It is important to present acceptable evidence, such as the examples above, while avoiding evidence that cannot help you – like testimonies from friends or relatives or unlicensed professionals that have no bearing on your case.

Social Security, Medicine, Law and You

Social Security Disability Claims are benefits designed to help those in need. The process, while fair and just, can be complicated, slow, and cumbersome. Therefore, it is imperative to work with a licensed attorney as well as other professionals to ensure the most ideal outcome. While Medical Evidence sounds easy to provide, it can be tricky with the amount of paperwork and red tape to go through. It is important to work to put yourself in the best position to provide the most accurate results.

While it is possible to win a claim for yourself, save yourself the anxiety and the hassle by contacting an experienced attorney at Knisely Law Offices today to help get you the money and benefits that you need and deserve.

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